I'm Philip Bulley. An experienced London-based freelance front-end developer specialising in web app development. Loves TypeScript, JavaScript, React & GraphQL.

A love for application development.

A passion for user interface.

With 21 years of industry experience, I've developed a keen eye for visual design and an intuitive approach to application architecture. I apply well-known software development patterns whilst being an advocate of KISS, DRY (sometimes WET) and YAGNI principles.

My career spans the entire stack from dev ops to back-end to front-end to UX design. Whilst I have a solid full-stack understanding, I’m most at home working on the front-end at the intersection of clean performant code and effective, engaging user interface design.

During my career, my advertising work has won awards at the highest level; I’ve co-founded two tech start-ups; most recently, I’ve relished the challenges of working within complex FinTech domains, delivering apps that shine in both form and function.

It's fair to say that things have come a long way since Santa delivered this beauty on Christmas Day 1989!